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Patron: Dr Robyn Williams AM A non-profit organisation  

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  • Hiring our hall
Our motto:  Rational Humaneness


Some quick answers*:

A lifestance of personal fulfilment without belief in the supernatural.

Dignity and value of the human individual in an unknown universe.

Positive agnosticism and or atheism.

A movement that defends and promotes secularism.

A positive position evolved from freethinker positions.

* Place mouse slowly over coloured words for additional explanations.


Image saying newWe have published a small book to give a more complete answer as to what we see is Humanism, click Articles to the left.

Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being, it supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Free of supenaturalism, it recognizes human beings as a part of nature and holds that values - be they religious, ethical, social or political - have their source in human nature, experience, and culture. Humanism thus derives the goals of life from human need and interest rather from scriptures, theological or ideological abstraction, and asserts that humanity must take responsibility for its own destiny.

A special declaration about Humanism was adopted by the Humanists International in 2002.

For more on what we think Humanism is, click on the Student Resources link at the left.

Our Objects:
  1. To encourage a rational approach to human problems, to promote the fullest use of science for human welfare, to defend freedom of expression, and provide a constructive alternative to theological and dogmatic creeds;
  2. To gain and maintain for non-religious people the same rights as are enjoyed by members of religious bodies;
  3. To encourage an awareness of and the responsibility to the connection and interdependence between human and other life forms, and duty of care owed by present generations to future generations and the environment;
  4. To encourage informed and reasoned discussion of issues in a manner that shows respect for the individual and his or her views;
  5. To encourage respect for the universal human rights of men and women free from discrimination on the basis of race, class, disability, gender, age, nationality or sexual orientation.
Some raison d'etre of a Humanist society includes:
  • meet likeminded people in a specifically non-religious setting allowing you to talk freely about things you can't do generally in society;
  • it is a venue to network with people resisting the encroachment of religion into public life;
  • participate in advancing and evolving secular philosophy.

Humanists advocate the separation of church and state. We support John Goldbaum's archived TV advertisements campaigning that religion be kept out of politics. Click here for more about this area of concern.

Our patron

Dr Robyn Williams AM

Photo of Robyn Williams

Humanist of the Year 1993, Member of the Order of Australia 1988, a talented actor, science journalist and broadcaster, Robyn, presents Radio National's Science Show, Ockham's Razor and In Conversation. Robyn has written more than 10 books and received an Honorary Doctorate in Science from the Universities of Sydney, Macquarie and Deakin.

More views

More about our views and philosophies. Includes link to our Euthansia Report, still remarkably current, published in 1973.

What is AHOY?

"Australian Humanist of the Year"
Since 1983 Australian Humanists have bestowed the award of Humanist of the Year on a person who has made an outstanding contribution to public life, consistent with Humanist ideals and values.

The selection is coordinated by Australian Humanists (Council of Australian Humanist Societes - CAHS), who call for nominations from State Humanist Societies.

What we do and what we have done:

  • Publish a newsletter Viewpoints for members and other on our mailing list
  • Distribute the Australian Humanist the journal of the Council of Australian Humanist Societies
  • Have a variety of reports published
  • Involved in various lobbying activities - a current one is to challenge the demand of Fred Nile to close down the public school ethics classes. We encourage people to write "No Religion" in the last few Censuses if that is their real position. Archive of our how you should answer the Census' Q10 page.
  • Over time, since the 60s, we were responsible for the formation of the Council fo Civil Liberties; the Preterm foundation; the Secular Defence Society; the Voluntary Euthanasia Society (now Dying with Dignity); Alternative Publishing Co-operation (APCOL); the Penal Reform Association; the Abortion Law Repeal Association; the Cancer Information and Support Society; the Gay Counselling Service; and Toleration: A Coalition Against Fanaticism; the Australian Institute of Philosophy for Children and Amnesty International. The existence of secular marriage celebrants today is a result of our lobbying efforts in the 60s and early 70s.
  • The monthly HuVAT meeting program is also a social get togethers.

Our affiliations:

Organisations we have liasons with:

Australian Skeptics Inc. PO Box 20 Beecroft NSW 2119
Phone (02) 8094 1894 0432 713 195

GLAPD - (African) Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development International - GLAPD Int. Ltd. Affie Adagio 0421 101 163
UNAA - United Nations Association Australia Affie Adagio 0421 101 163
WEA - Workers Education Association Sturt Duncan  

Life event celebrants:

Don't want meaningless religious gobbledegook for celebrations of important personal events but still want a celebration that is appropriate?

Then Humanist Societies are THE organisations to get in touch with!

Did you know that the civil marriage celebrants system was the results of our lobbying efforts in the late 60s to early 70s?


If you support our objectives (click Home tab), why not consider joining our NSW Humanist Society. We keep our membership fee very affordable. The more who join, the richer our community of like-minded human beings grows. Members receive newsletters and emails, and are linked to a worldwide movement for reason, compassion and human rights. You can be as active as you choose. Depending on available talent we can express the potential of the humanistic approach through various online media and public events. We can also influence society and politics. Each additional activist can make a big difference. Or you may choose to develop your own humanity through sharing in serious discussions or humanitarian opportunities. Or just be quietly supportive or socially engaged.

To apply for membership download membership application form and our privacy policy
and post it to: PO Box 784 Edgecliff NSW 2027 Australia or
Phone: Mob: (+614 or 04) 00 492 535
Fees are $35 single, $45 double and $20 concession.

Our constitution (as amended Sep 2016)

Office bearers 2020/21:

Murray Love President Tel: 02 4735 5226,

John August Vice-president Tel: (61 2) (02) 8819 4467, Mob: 0419 863 353,

Ian Bryce Vice-president Tel: (61 2) (02) 9810 4931, Mob: 0408 177 007,

Fay Love Secretary or post request to The Secretary 10 Shepherd St Chippendale 2008



Murray Love Viewpoints editor Tel: 02 4735 5226

Recorded message (61 2 or 02) 9212 2122

Street address: Humanist House 10 Shepherd St Chippendale 2008.

General enquiries:   Mob: 0400 492 535

Webmaster (also broken links) Victor Bien:   Mob: 0427 816 373

Please note that the email links above only work if you run an email program on your computer. It does not work if you use a webmail account. If so please phone us. We cannot afford to baldly place email addresses here to protect ourselves from spammers.


Need an abortion?

Dying with dignity

GLAPD - Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development

The Humanist Celebrants Network

Support the campaign for same sex marriages

Click to email the Vice President of the IHEYO (International Humanist Ethical Youth Organisation)

The NSW Humanist`s Meetup group`s logo Group.

The Sydney Atheist`s Meetup group`s logo Group.

Upcoming Wayside chapel events Wayside Chapel logo

Join a Humanist discussion group:

Secular singles


Photo of hall inside.Outside view of Humanist House


For bookings or enquiries, first please check the above calendar then
email enquiries to humanistsocietyofnsw@gmail.com

Hire cost is $50 for up to 4 hours use.

Facilities available include:

  • seating for 40 people, 2 toilets, small kitchen, and a second doorway at street level for wheelchair access;
  • good acoustics with no need for a PA, Internet access, screen, projector available by arrangement, basic computer speakers, lectern, and several large tables;
  • kitchen with fridge, microwave, kettle, urn, benchtop, washing up facilities, plus basic crockery, cutlery, glassware and platters.

Humanist House is located at 10 Shepherd Street, Chippendale 2008.
Humanist House is close to Central Railway Station and has frequent buses stopping nearby. There is a small amount of street parking, and both the nearby Broadway Shopping Centre and Seymour Centre have large car parks.

Click me for map

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