Humanist Society
New South Wales Inc.
Past topics of Wednesday night meetings
- Intention and action - the gap. To bridge this our speaker is: - Mr Elliott Redelman and he will discuss rationality as a way of solving life's problems; the theme of his series of classes for several years. He believes in results, 25.03.20
- "Indigenous Issues, How did we get here and how do we get out?" by Mr Bruce Bland AM He has worked with indigenous communties for over 25 years in Torres Strait Islands, Palm Island, Broome and Bourke etc. He is a chevalier of the French Legion of Honour, 11.03.20
- "The physics of the mind" - what science tells us about brains, freewill and morality by Mr Ian Bryce Physicist and aerospace engineer, 19.02.20
- "Proofs of the bible" - from history, science, mathematics, archeology and prophecy by Rev Keith Piper BSc Pastor of Liberty Baptist Church Parramatta and author of 14 books, 05.02.20
- "Global citizenship" by Mr Sam Barton, 22.01.20
- "The writing is on the wall" (or elsewhere) The evening when your handwriting will be analysed by an expert by Ms Belinda McCarthy Graphologist, 15.01.20
- "The United Nations" In the Congo. The creator of peace or of conflict? by Mr Patrice Nyembo President and founder of the Congolese Community Assoc in Australia. Secretary of the African Community Council, 08.01.20
- "Cuba up to date" by Mr Joe van der Meer Director of the Swedenborg Centre in NSW. He visited Cuba during October, 11.12.19
- "Western Sahara" Africa's last colony. by Mr Kamal Fadel, Spokeman in Australia for the "Polisario Liberation Group, 13.11.19
- "Fusion art: in pursuit of social justice" by Mrs Cheryl Quejada-Canning A Philippino artist who has exhibited in Australia and in the Philippines, 06.11.19
- "The importance of philosophy" by Mr Helmut Cernic B.Sc. (History and philosophy of science), 23.10.19
- "The misplaced adam" - why Adam was not the first man by Mr Tom Croucher Teacher, mathematician and author of: "Adam; the first human?" (Pub 2018), 16.10.19
- "The Phillipines" A tour of this huge archipelago, its history, scenery and people by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and Secretary of Assoc for Good Government, 09.10.19
- "Transforming refugee camps" by Ms Rosemary Morrow Development wortker in regenerating food supplies. She has worked in Turkey, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Iraq and Bangladesh, 02.10.19
- "Christianity and reasonable doubt" by Mr Hudson Sweeting M.Div. Master of Divinity and speaker on Christian issues, 18.09.19
- "A history of humanity" (According to "Harary") by Mr Joseph Liebhaber, 11.09.19
- "The rise of authoritarian democracy and charismatic leadership" - looking at examples in sub Saharan Africa and South East Asia by Dr Wendy Lambourne specialist inb peace building and transitional justice in Cambodia, Burundi, Rwanda, East Timor, Sierra Leone and South Africa, 04.09.19
- "The plight of the Uighurs" The Uighurs are the Moslem inhabitants of Chinese Turkistan in far western China. They are being persecuted by the Beijing regime by Mrs Fatima Seyyah, 28.08.19
- "The causes and solutions of bank misconduct" by Dr Shann Turnbull Principal of the International Institute for self governance. He has written on the theory and practice of capitalism, 21.08.19
- "The Hawke years - a re evaluation" Robert Hawke was Australian prime minister 1983 - 1991 by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Political commentator, 07.08.19
- "Consent, ... one yes too often; We are all concerned and we are all affected" by Ms Tracy Sedman Educationist and curriculum speciallist. She will discuss new laws on consent, 24.07.19
- "Transhuman sex, - telos needs eros" Zoomorphic matings with gods, aliens & androids; where is evolution taking us? by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist, 17.07.19
- "Music for refugees" The use of music to alleviate the stress felt by refugees by Mr Phillip Feinstein. He's a musician and interested in the plight of refugees for over ten years, 03.07.19
- "China's Belt and Road initiative" Provider or colonist? - Resisting a scenario for disaster by Mr Mark Ferguson Political commentator, 19.06.19
- "Rodrigo Duterte" On the 121st anniversary of Philippines independence; dictator or liberator? by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and Traveller, 12.05.19
- "More than meets the eye" - my perceptions of the unseen world, by Ms Louis Binnighton Paranormal exponent, 29.05.19
- "Life and mind" Physics and what it tells us about ourselves by Mr Ian Bryce Physcicist and ethicist, 15.05.19
- "The subcontinent" My travels, experiences and encounters in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka including anecdotes to roll you in the aisle by Mrs Estelle Stone Traveller and comediaënne, 08.05.19
- "Who's afraid of the internet?" by Mr Andrew Constantine Advisor to executives of public and private companies and government departments, 01.05.19
- "Don't cry for me Argentina" A grand outdoor travelogue, the Andes and Tierra Del Fuego by Mr Peter Sage World traveller, 24.04.19
- "Iceland" A tour of this island nation, famed in Viking Legend - its history, folklore, landscape and people by Mr Peter Sage Seasoned world traveller, 10.04.19
- "Is technology becoming more human" (or is humanity becoming more 'techno'?? by Mr Peter Xing Specialist in innovation through technology and member of the Science Party of Australia, 03.04.19
- "Ruddock and after" Recent developments on religious liberty in Australia. by Prof Iain T Benson Professor of law at "Notre Dame", 27.03.19
- "Connecting in the real world" Building community by grossroots interaction by Ms Barbara Gill Manager of "Garage Sale Trail", 20.03.19
- "The protection of free speech" by Mr John Bolton Barrister, solicitor and political activist, 13.03.19
- "The myth of the nanny state" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Activist and speaker on political issues, 20.02.19
- "Democracy and vote fraud, A threat to our future" by Mr Lex Stewart A staffer to six former members of parliament, 06.02.19
- "Schemozzle, The descent into Dante - A synopsis of Global Politics" by Mr Mark Ferguson Political commentator, 30.01.19
- "Training IT in NSW" "A history of our railways since 1855" - illustrated by Mr Peter Sage Railway historian, 23.01.19
- "In over our heads" by Mr Joe Nagy Former credit lending executive officer with Citibank and author of In over our heads published in 1997 in Australia and Canada, 16.01.19
- "Law as therapy" by Mr David Murphy Founding President of the "Self litigants association", 09.01.19
- "Egyptian Cosmology, an ancient spiritual compass" by Mr Joe van der Meer Director of the Swedenborg Centre in NSW, 21.12.18
- "Utopia casts a crooked shadow" "Utopia is the constant temptation of humankind and also our final tragedy" by Mr Glynn Curran This is his end of year talk for 2018, 05.12.18
- "Everybody needs a home" An expose of the crisis in public housing by Mr Magnus Linda C.E.O. of "Church Housing" & co-chair of "Sydney Alliance Affordable Housing Team", 28.11.18
- "Trial by Jury - our inalienable right" by Dr John Wilson A common law activist in the field of personal liberty, 21.11.18
- "The Bolshevik Revolution 101 years on". The ongoing consequences by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Political commentator, 07.11.18
- "The Cronulla riots" - the untold story by Mr Richard Black A solicitor for 40 years and for 65 years a resident of Cronulla, 31.10.18
- "Artificial intelligence" - The existential risks by Mr Robert Sternhell Philosophy graduate & researchers (Sydney Univ), 24.10.18
- "The power of positive action intelligence". What you do determines what you become by Prof Keith Kennett Educator, psychologist & teacher. Foundation dean & professor of education at Nepean College and at U.W.S., 03.10.18
- "The faith of the faithless" by Aziz Abu-Bakr Who represents the London based organisation set up to defend non religious people who have relinquished their original faith, 26.09.18
- "The National Energy Guarantee" - a road to ruin, by Mr Rafe Champion Climate realist, science graduate, author; Karl Popper, The Champion Guide, 05.09.18
- "The spirituality of atheism" - am I more than matter? by Mr John Pater Student of science, spirituality philosophy and reality, 29.08.18
- "The enigma of contemporary Russia" by Prof David Wansbrough Writer, artist and historian. He has published 11 books in Russia and also held 9 art exhibitions, 15.08.18
- "The history of money from barter to block chain" by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and Secretary of the Association for Good Government, 01.08.18
- "My pilgrmage - from a sceptic to a believer" by Mr Roy Williams Retired lawyer and author. He will disucss his journey from atheism to Christianity, 18.07.18
- "Stephen Hawking, his life and legacy" by Mr Ian Bryce Physicist and aerospace engineer, Vice president, Humanist Society of NSW, 11.07.18
- "Weight training, body building and steroids; have they benefitted the image of sport?" by Mr Helmut Cernic A gym manager for 20 years, 04.07.18
- "Social media - the compulsive confessional" The tell all confessional runs rampant; whatever happened to privacy and discretion? by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist, 13.06.18
- "An insight into how migrating birds may spread havoc" A world without birds - could we cope? by Ms Natalie Cleary Author and researcher, 06.06.18
- "My Life in Pakistan" by Ms Louisa Binnington She spent five years in Pakistan in the late 80s largely in Islamabad but also visited northern tribal areas extensively through family connections, 23.05.18
- "How Indian democracy may overcome inherited traditions" by Mr Rajesh Konada Indian human rights activist, 16.05.18
- "40 years a public speaker" by Mr Mark Ferguson Traveller and commentator will relate his experiences as a stump orator, 02.05.18
- "How to imrpove your health through fasting" by Dr Doug Evans Osteopath and speaker on health related issues, 18.04.18
- "Science proves the existence of God" by Mr Helmut Cernic MA (Hon) Specialist in the history and philosophy of science,11.04.18
- "The political origins of global warming" by Mr Jeff Grimshaw Specialist in business adaptive intelligence; Historian and graduate in political science, 04.04.18
- "The reform of the Catholic church" byMr Bob Vinnicombe Social and political researcher, 14.03.18
- "Meditation and Neuroscience" by Ms Morni Chen Representing - Brahma Kumaris an international network of meditation centres, 07.03.18
- "A sceptical revelation - what Descartes did discover" by Prof Max Deutscher Foundation professor of philosophy at Macquarie University 1966 - 1998, 28.02.18
- "Maximising brain health into old age" by Mrs Paddye Parnell from Alzheimers Australia will discuss the social impact of dementia and how to maintain a healthy brain, 07.02.18
- "More than meets the eye" by Ms Louisa Binnington She will discuss a range of paranormal and extra sensory experiences which question what is real, 31.01.18
- "Surviving in the cut throat world of being single at any age" by Mr David Murphy Organiser of events for single people for 40 years, 24.01.18
- "Jails, Drugs and Criminality" by Ms Leah McLeod Editor of magazines for drug users in jails, specialist in health and penal system. Committee member of the Aus Drug Law Reform Foundation, 17.01.18
- "The hidden darkness" The cover up of sexual abuse as linked to occult influences by Katherine Islean Maurer Independent researcher into public and private conspiracies, 10.01.17
- "Imagining a post neoliberal future" by Senator Lee Rhiannon Represented the Greens in Federal Parliament since 2010, 20.12.17
- "Friendship in an age of celebrity" by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist, 06.12.17
- "General relativity - Einstein's secrets demonstrated" by Mr Ian Bryce Physicist, 22.11.17
- "The age of the earth" by Rev Kieth Piper B.Sc. (Hons) in inorganic chemistry. Dip. Ed. (Sydney), 15.11.17
- "Conscience and conflict in health care by Assoc Prof Anna Walsh Lawyer, specialising in medical law. Bioethics graduate (Harvard), 08.11.17
- "An introduction to pirate politics" by Mr Simon Frew Former president and national councillor for the "Pirate Party", 25.10.17
- "Afghanistan since the Withdrawal" (of Australian and Allied Tropps in 2014) by Dr Susanne Schmeidl Lecturer in Development Studies at UNSW. Scholar practioner. She lived in Afghanistan for 10 years, 11.10.17
- "Indigenous first nation perspective in local government" by Cr Dominic Wy Kanak Indigenous local government councillor Bondi ward - Waverly, 27.09.17
- "The Mabo judgement - subjectivity in law" by Prof Max Deutscher Foundation professor of philosophy at Macquarie University; 1966, 20.09.17
- "China and nine dash line" Debunking China's nine dash claim in the South China Sea. Based on history and social justice by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and student of Chinese history, 06.09.17
- "Reversing biological age" Why some populations live a long and healthy life and others do not by Mr Doug Evans Osteopath in practice for 35 years, 30.08.17
- "Relativity Revealed" by Mr Ian Bryce Aerospace engineer and Physicist, 23.08.17
- "The crisis in water, world wide" by Mr Robert Goldie Cultural environmentalist, student of human resources, 28.06.17
- Parliamentary debate: "Populism is the voice of the people" by Mr Glynn Curran vs Dr Joseph Azize Is populism the true voice of the politically disaffected or has it been hijacked by 'humbug', 21.06.17
- "The mimicry of social collapse - how cultures implode by Mr James P. Middleton PhD student in evolutionary psychology, 14.06.17
- "North Korea, North Pacific Flashpoint" by Mr John Hallam Anti-nuclear activist for 17 years, 07.06.17
- "How a man lived in three centuries" The story of Mr Eric Storm by Mr Roger French Health Director & Editor for The Natural Health Society of Australia, 31.05.17
- "Critical thinking, its philosophy, psychology and sociology" by Dr David Killingly A specialist in biology and computer science, 24.05.17
- An opinionated guide to gender politics by Mr Adrian Johnston who has been active in gender politics in Sydney for several years,17.05.17
- "Defeating toxic power to achieve wellbeing" by Dr Shann Turnbull (PhD Harvard Business School) Chair; International Institute for self governance, 03.05.17
- "The Art of War" Sunzi vs Machiavelli, A comparison between two philosophers of war (Sunzi was a Chinese philosopher of approx 2000 yearsa ago) by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and business strtegist, 26.04.17
- "Unemployed nation The truth behind the cover up" by Mr Peter Bell Economist, mathematician, statistician and investment analyst, 08.03.17
- "Reflections on contemporary attitudes to the environment" by Mr Mark Marusic Writer, essayist and activist on environmental themes, 01.03.17
- "Your personality reflected in your handwriting" by Ms Belinda McCarthy Professional graphologist and founding member of the Australasian Graphological Society, 15.02.17
- "Safe schools, pornography, cultural Marxism and the destruction of childhood" by Mr Jack Sonnemann Australian Federation for the family, 08.02.17
- "Perpectives of a sentencing judge" by His Honor Judge Richard Cogswell A judge of the district court, of New South Wales, and president of the N.S.W. mental health review tribunal, 11.01.17
- "A new approach to enhancing your life" by Ms Tanya Vlason Accredited exercise physiologist and specialist in western and traditional medicine, 21.12.16
- "Fate, Freewill and quantum randomness" People down the ages have taken heart from the systems of divination - everything from gods will to historical necessity. How does this sit with quantum theory? by Mr Glynn Curran, 07.12.16
- "The influence of the Chinese government on the Australian Chinese media" by Ms Marie Ma General Manager of "Vision China Times", the largest circulating weekly Chinese newspaper in Australia,30.11.16
- "Protecting our future" & "Holding our government accountable for the misuse of money" by Ms Marella Harris Campaigner for just causes, 23.11.16
- "The library of Alexandria" A work in progress by Mr Lorenzo Montesini Chairman of the Australian friends of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 09.11.16
- "Reinventing money,Governance and capitalism" by Dr Shann Turnbull Principal of the "International Institute for self-governance" and prolific author on reforming the theories and practices of capitalism, 02.11.16
- "Forgotten Novels and one hit wonders of the 20th century" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Student of modern literature, 26.10.16
- "The foods that will keep you young and healthy" by Ms Katrina Arcana Naturopath and dietician, 12.10.16
- "Operation Barbarossa" The greatest invasion in history Germany vs Russia 1941 by Mr Bill Wirght Student of WWII history, 05.10.16
- "Tibet: the history of a unique nation" by Mr Dorjee Dadul Former president of the Tibetan Community Assoc of N.S.W., 28.09.16
- "Jesus Caesar" - The real father of Jesus Christ finally revealed by Ms Petra Cadman This is also the title of her book published in 1994, 21.09.16
- "The persecution of Christians in Iraq and Syria" by Mr Ninos Aaron Representative of the "Young Assyrian Society", 14.09.16
- "Full Drift Ahead" Some reflections on citizenship by Prof Iain T Benson School of Law Notre Dame University. Specialist in the philosophy of the law, 24.08.16
- "The Emergent Method" An understanding of how order arises in the universe by Mr Michael Kean Philosopher and author of the "Emergent Method", 10.08.16
- "The call of the way" A blueprint for living consciously in peace and prosperity by Mr Ron Ragel Multiskilled musician, author, educator and traveller. He will talk about his pilgrimage to the "Camino Trail" in Spain, 03.08.16
- "Freedom and responsibility" by Ms Maria Fuentes Psychologist and psychotherapist with a deep interest in philosophy, 20.07.16
- "Giants of the short story racket" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe He will discuss Damon Runyon, O. Henry, Sommerset Maugham, Joseph Conrad and others, 13.07.16
- "My journey to Nepal" - the forgotten people and an awakening by Ms Katrina Arcana Counsellor and seeker of truth, 06.07.16
- "Better than life" A talk on virtual reality. - as we become more connected on the net we become more disconnected as people - what lies in store? by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist - this is his mid year talk, 22.06.16
- The following meeting was cancelled by the Committee due to community dissension "Mainstream democracy, its demise, the dilemma and the solution." - the coming age of the minor political party by Mr Nick Folkes A patriotic Australian with political aspirations, 15.06.16
- "You are more than enough" How to allow human beings to alleviate doubt and envy' by Mr Prema Smith He was born in Sri Lanka and grew up in Tasmania in the 1990s. He will share his experiences in adjusting to Australian society, 08.06.16
- "Scientists and philosophers need to talk" by Tibor Molnar, on-line slides 25.05.16
- "War... What is it good for?" Collateral damage suffered by families and people on the 'home front' by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Well known political activist and commentator, 04.05.16
- "Sir John Monash" Australia's greatest soldier by Dr John Morrison Medical research scientist military history buff and army reservist, 27.04.16
- "Why sceptics agree with scientists on climate change" - the lines of evidence and why optomists are pessimists by Mr Anthony Muscio An IT professional for 30 years and focused on sustainability, 20.04.16
- "Challenges facing the Venezuelan revolution" by Dr Coral WInter and Mr Jim McIlroy They lived in Venezuela in 2006 and have visited it every year since then. Co-authors of the book - Voices from Venezuela, 13.04.16
- "Jesus - the enigma" The more I read, the less I know by Mr John Hallam, 06.04.16
- "A citizens dividend, a universal basic income. Is it possible & how?" by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and secretary of The Association of Good Government. 30.03.16
- "The American Empire and ancient Rome: uncanny similarities" by Mr Mark Ferguson Geopolitical analysts and world traveller, 23.03.16
- "Evolution rational or not?" "The case for intelligent design" Where Darwin falls down and the God dilemma (This topic is clearly NOT reflective of the HS as a body. This question is not debatable from the Society's point of view. See disclaimer in meetings page) by Mr Nick Kunic A student of evolution, 16.03.16
- "Gravity waves" How they were discovered and what it means [recent discovery 2015] Mr Ian Bryce President Humanist Society of NSW B.Sc. B.E (Hons), 09.03.16
- "Dont' tell the truth" - "not all honesty was created equal" by Ms Phyllis Foundis Award winning TV Hostess and writer and producer whose panel talk on "Men" was recently screened on "Foxtel", 24.02.16
- "George Orwell and his signficance in 2016" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Well known political commentator, 10.02.16
- "Rapport - How to communicate effectively" - using verbal and non verbal methods by Mr Steven Tiniakos Trainer in neurolinguistic programming, timeline therapist, hypnotherapist, 03.02.16
- "The American civil war: lessons not learned" by Dr John Morrison Science graduate, army reservist and military history buff,13.01.16
- "What are values and where do they come from?" by Ms Helena Vukas Life counsellor and educator,06.01.16
- "Youth unemployment" Exploring the hidden data by Mr Nick Hossak Economist and public policy consultant,09.12.15
- "Wolfboy & the Tinman" Have we failed in our evolutionary mission? Have we gone feral? Enter the new guardians - the transhumans - robots by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist and well known speaker,02.12.15
- "Spirituality and the Kabbala" by Ms Katrina Arcan Counsellor and psychotherapist She has researched this subject in many countries, 18.11.15
- "The hidden secular of Australia" by Mr John August, 04.11.15
- "Economics for manipulators The manipulated and the apologists" by Mr John August VP of the Humanist Society of NSW, 21.10.15
- "Measuring sentience in animals and humans" by Mr Ian Bryce Scientist and president of the Humanist Society of NSW, 14.10.15
- "The Kama Sutra" What has love got to do about it? by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and philosopher, 07.10.15
- "Is there an afterlife?" by Dr Victor Zammit MA LLB and PhD Retired lawyer He has made a lifetime study of data relating to the afterlife and is well known as a researcher in the field, 23.09.15
- "The secret smile of quantum Buddha" by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist and well known speaker. Christianity promises a personal saviour and the life everlasting but Buddhism says, "stay with the moment", 16.09.15
- "The rise of China - a global threat" by Mr Mark Ferguson A student of geopolitical trends who has travelled extensively, 09.09.15
- The origin of mass - the greatest secret ever. Why? by Mr Helmut Cernic, 12.08.15
- "Evidence for the existence of (G)od" - from history, science, archeology, prophecy and logic by Pastor Keith Piper Minister at the Liberty Baptist Church Carlingford, Note: This talk clearly does NOT represent the views of the Society; this is presented to foster discussion. See our reading guide), 05.08.15
- "Let us welcome warming" The sun as a prime driver of climate change. A sceptic debunks CO2 by Mr Rafe Champion Agricultural science graduate and long standing Humanist and Sceptic, (Note: This talk decidely DOES NOT represent the view of the Society!), 29.07.15
- "Vanuatu, Pigs, Prestige, Happiness and Cyclones" by Mr Kirk Hoffman Anthropologist, curator of the National Museum in Vanuatu for 18 years; graduate of Oxford and Cambridge, 22.07.15
- "Rojava Revolution" - why the Western world is silent about what is happening in Kurdistan by Mr Shayan Khalili Representing "Kodar" (Democratic Society of East Kurdistan) and Ms Nicky Danesh: anarchist and activist regarding human rights, 08.07.15
- "Lucky synchronicity and soulmates" Fateful encounters as gateway moments, - romantic myth or scientific fact? A look through the quantum window of David Bohm by Mr Glynn Curran - cosmologist, 01.07.15
- "Iraq, an historic overview" -from Sumer to modern Baghdad by Mr Mohsen El Dreihi. He is an Iraqi in Australia for 14 years, a translator and community worker, 24.06.15
- "The history of Prince Henry Hospital and the former Crown St Hospital" by Mrs Lynette Smith O.A.M. She was 60 years in the nursing profession and is the curator of the medical museum at Prince Henry, 17.06.15
- "Facilitating sex for disabled people" by Dr Ruessell Shuttelworth. He has been researching sex and disablity for 20 years in Aust and USA, 10.06.15
- "A tale of two oceans" - The story of a voyage round Cape Horn by Mr Sam Redward a 22 year old sailor who has just completed the voyage, 20.05.15
- "The way of the sacred warrior" Living consciously in peace and prosperity by Mr Ron Ragel Author, musician and educator on the nature of consciousness, 13.05.15
- "Forgiveness" by Rev Dr Michael Jensen Rector at St Marks Anglican Church Darling Point. He has published books on forgiveness and Christian belief, 06.05.15
- "Political and medical challenges in the Congo and Sierra Leone" by Mr Kaheba Clement Honda Humanitarian aid worker, 15.04.15
- "Nuclear risk" by Mr John Hallam Nuclear non proliferation at upcoming conference, 08.04.15
- "Taoism" by Mr Joffre Balce Economist and student of comparative religion, 01.04.15
- "Justice after genocide" Rwanda and Burundi by Dr Wendy Lambourne Senior lecturer & Academic Director Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, 25.03.15
- "The cost of child abuse" by Mr Nick Hossack Public policy consultant to private and government bodies, 11.03.15
- "Asylum seekers and mandatory detention" by Dr Kellie West Assistant Secretary of "Doctors for refugees", 04.03.15
- "Saving the Holocaust synagogue from destruction" (this is a war memorial synagogue in Strathfield) by Dr Joseph de Varda Research scientist, chairman of the Human Rights Foundation (Aust). His campaign has received extensive publicity, 11.02.15
- "David(s) and Goliath" A film outlining the horrendous organ transplant industry in China as exposed by Canadian MPs David Mattas and David Kilgour by Mr Luke Hughes who will answer questions; he is a human rights activist who has worked with both of these Canadians, 04.02.15
- "Fundamental physics and the big questions" - what science has revealed about philosophy. Mr Ian Bryce B.Sc. B.E. (Hons) President of the Humanist Society of NSW, 28.01.15
- "Three months in Israel/Palestine" by Ms Vivienne Porzsolt Spokeperson for "Jews against the occupation" (Sydney). She has visited the area many times and offers a glimpse of life on the ground, 21.01.15
- "Whitlam and his legacy" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Political commentator, 14.01.15
- "A cross without arms" With the church in decline, prophetic voices proclaim the return of Gods Kingdom; but in this abundant overflow of the spirit where is Noah to land his ark? by Mr Glynn Curran 03.12.14
- "Beyond left and right" revisiting the history of economic thought by Mr Joffre Balch Economist and Assistant Secretary for the Association of Good Government (formerly the "Henry George Society") 19.11.14
- "Gladesville - Alcheringa" [The dreaming] A national historic landmark for mental health, colonial and Aboriginal history and the first international wellness university by Mr Tony Humphrey Professional mental health advocate and specialist in suicide studies. (Two recent talks on mental health may seem excessively concentrated in this area but it should be noted that the subject is approached from very different perspectives.) 05.11.14
- "Living with the enemy - the untold story" by Mr Nick Folkes Who participated in an SBS documentary on immigration involving a hands on experience of living with an Africam immigrant 29.10.14
- "Mental health in Australia" Are we getting anywhere? by Mr Sebastian Rosenberg Senior lecturer in Mental Health Policy, Brain and Mind Research Institute; Sydney University 22.10.14
- "The Scottish Referendum" - an eyewitness account by Mr Brian Edwards who visited Scotland for two weeks, prior to the referendum (Glascow, Edinburgh, Inverness etc.) and will share his impressions 15.10.14
- "The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq;" A colonial and neo-liberal crisis by Dr Noah Bassil Senior lecturer, Dept of Modern History Politics and International Relations, Macquarie University 01.10.14
- "The Holocaust" A descent into evil by Mr Bill Wright Student of modern European history 24.09.14
- "The Travellers - home building scams" Con men from the UK and Ireland whom you probably did not know about by Mr David Rosenberg Nationwide intelligence co-ordinator from the "Travelling con-men task force of NSW Dept of Fair Trading", 17.09.14
- "World War I - World War III?" 1914 - 2014 miscalculation and malfunction by Mr John Hallam Well known campaigner for international peace and disarmament, 20.08.14
- "Anti-matter; fact or fiction?" - C.E.R.N. and Dan Brown - "Angels and Demons" by Mr Helmut Cernic M.A. Philosopher of science. (C.E.R.N.: "Centerfuge Electricetie Recherche Nucleir" - European Centre for Nuclear Research), 13.08.14
- "Transcending fear: The story of Gao Zhisheng" One of China's top attorneys who has paid the price of courage and suffered cruelty in today's China. This film is a must see by Luke and Susie Hughes who are dedicated to the spreading of the truth about China today, 06.08.14
- "Too big to fail" - why mega banks are dangerous by Mr Nick Hossack Public policy consultant specialising in banking and finance, 30.07.14
- "Cuba, where is it headed?" by Mr Marcel Cameron President of the Australia - Cuba Friendship Society, 23.07.14
- "The ASIO files - dirty secrets" by Dr Meredith Bergmann Former member of the NSW Legislative Council (Labor party). She recently edited - "Dirty Secrets, our ASIO files" (2014), 16.07.14
- "Searching for the soul" - a voyage into the unknown by Ms Pamela Peterson Secretary of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society of NSW, 09.07.14
- "Can we understand consciousness and free will?" by Mr Michael Kean, 18.06.14
- "The orphanage, The rise of the unaffiliated" by Mr Glynn Curran - About one third of young adults are now religiously unaffiliated; are they real independents or just drifters in search of a fragile identity? Researcher into the philosophy of mind and body. Author of "The Emergent method", 11.06.14
- "The Creation myth" - once upon a time there was nothing - then came the universe; A good story, but it is true? by Mr Helmut Cernic, Academic researcher in the philosophy of science, 04.06.14
- "The Age of Entitlement over?" by Dr Steve Keen Economist, Author of "Debunking economics" (2011) and columnist in the Business Spectator, 21.05.14
- "The healing power of music and chant" by Mr Ron Ragel Internationally known musician educator and music therapist, 14.05.14
- "John Dos Passos and his relevance to Australia in 2014" - he was an American Novelist and political historian interested in the labour movement by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Political commentator and activist, 07.05.14
- "The Evolution of the human potential movement" From Werner Erhardt to the Landmark Forum by Mr Rafe Champion Independent scholar and blogger, 30.04.14
- "The anti nuclear movement in Australis, a history - the early days 1945 - 1965" by Dr Kyle Harvey Historian who is interested in social movements, 23.04.14
- "The myth of mental illness" Detailing the work of Dr Thomas Szasz by Prof Robert Spillane, Professor of management at Macquarie Univ Graduate School of management. He teaches psychology and philosophy and their application in this field, 16.04.14
- "When the dragon runs out of puff" - The myth of the "Asian century" by Mr Mark Ferguson - student of geo-politics and world traveller, 19.03.14
- "A talk on "Arnhem Land", 12.03.14
- "The Trans-Pacific Partnership" - corporate rights or people rights? by Ms Jemma Williams Campaigner for the "Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network Ltd". She has worked on international development projects, 05.03.14
- "Global warming, fact or fad A geologists perspective" by Dr Graham Bradley He has worked extensively in oil and gas exploration, 26.02.14
- "The scourge of alcohol and what to do about it" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Publicist and political campaigner, 19.02.14
- "Happiness, how it evolved and what makes a person happy" by Mr Mark Avery Who is also known as "Mr Bashful". He is author of - "The umpteen keys to core happiness" and has featured on the ABC programme Okhams Razor, 12.02.14
- "Pope Francis confronts the modern world" by Dr Joseph Azize Assoc professor of theology at the Notre Dame University and published author in Religious Studies, 05.02.14
- "Neo colonialism in Latin America" by Ms Cicibel Maldonado Anthropologist, traveller, 29.01.14
- The proof of intelligent design "Defying the monotone" by Dr Robert Tilley Philosopher, theologian, teacher, 22.01.14
- "Who is Henry George?" An introduction to his philosophy by Mr Joffre Balce Economist, 08.01.14
- "The philosophy of rock and pop music" - emotions and authenticity by Mr Mark Marusic Writer and poet, 11.12.13
- Disconnect - the flight from intimacy by Mr Glynn Curran We are told that marriage is in trouble and people prefer living together, but this hides the real problem. People are giving up on the very idea of relationships. Intimacy is becoming obsolete, 04.12.13
- Medication as a cause of suicide and homicide by Dr Yolanda Lucire Forensice psychiatrist, 20.11.13
- "Political strategy - under the Howard Government - the early years" by Mr Nick Hossak Economist, political advisor to the Howard Government, former policy director Australian Bankers Association, 13.11.13
- "Neuro science - a window into who you are" by Ms Sarah d'Amico-Bell A devoted student of neuro science, 06.11.13
- Mugabe & neo colonialism by Mr Watipa Ngwenya who lived in Zimbabwe from age 7 - 24. He is a law student at UTS, 30.10.13
- Kiribati & its problem of survival by Ms Maria Tiimon Chi Fang Pacific Outreach officer for the "Pacific Calling Partnership" Kiribati pronounced "Kiribas". Pop. 104 000, 23.10.13
- "Suicide in care & overcoming trauma" by Mr Tony Humphrey, Chairman "Mental Health Carers" & Suicide prevention committee & president - "Club Speranza" 16.10.13
- Alternative dispute resolution - the way to go by Mr Teik Hock Lim Mediator and social worker with the The Community Justice Centre, 09.10.13
- The world in 2050 What's to come? by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Human rights campaigner and social commentator, 25.09.13
- "The nexus of neo-liberalism, post modernism and psycho-hegemony or ... Dominating people through the invention of crisis in contemporary society. " by Mr Mark Ahrens Scientist, engineer and commentator, 18.09.13
- "The Philippines is suffering from religion" by Mr Jason Nelson Liaison officer for "Patas" - "The Philippines Atheist and Agnostic Society" and frequent visitor to the Philippines, 04.09.13
- The Secular Party of Australia An enlightened alternative by Ian Bryce - vice president (Australia) Lead Senate candidate election 2013, 28.08.13
- "North Korea: an eyewitness account" by Mr John Yates Traveller and teacher; he has visited and taught in North Korea five times during 2009 - 2013, 21.08.13
- "Atlantis: The drowned world" AN EPITAPH FOR IMPERIAL RUSSIA This will include an overview and analysis of the event leading up to 1917 by Mr David Duffy Open Forum convenor, 31.07.13
- "Twilight of an empire" Suez and Cyprus 1956 - 58. A very personal story by Mr Brian Edwards Who served in the R.A.F. at this time, 24.07.13
- "Miracle Healing" with particular reference to Alexis Carrel, Edgar Cayce and Mary Baker Eddy by Mr Glynn Curran Cosmologist, who will present his mid year talk, 17.07.13
- "Give us back our country" by Mr Jai Martinkovits Executive Direcotr of "Austalians for constitutional monarchy" and "Can do" which advocates "Citizens initiated referenda" in Australia, 10.07.13
- "Sri Lanka, one island, two nations" by Mr Ana Pararajasingham Author of Sri Lanka, one island, two nations (1977) & editor of "The conflict in Sri Lanka", 03.07.13
- "The story of Base J" The work of Dr Robin Curtis in the antarctic in 1957-59 BY Mrs Dorothy Curtis wife: story drawn from the material of the British Antarctic Survey archives, 26.06.13
- This scheduled meeting never took place because the speaker failed to turn up. "A gunner in Afghanistan" Telling the truth in a world where the truth is the enemy, 19.06.13
- "Darwin, Einstein, Newton or Clerk-Maxwell: who was the greatest?" by Mr Helmut Cernic philosopher of science, 12.06.13
- Four waves of conscription in Australia: 1908 - 1973 by Mr Rafe Champion Author of the biography of Les Darcy, 29.05.13
- "PaGaian Cosmology" by Dr Glenys Livingstone Who will discuss diverse spiritualities from a scientific perspective; her studies include: theology, social ecology, archaeo-mythology, psychology and education 08.05.13
- "Prince Peter Kropotkin, Huxley and Mutual Aid" by Mrs Sheila Maddock Student of political science and history buff who will explore the nexus between Kropotkin, Huxley and Herbert Spencer, 01.05.13
- "The case for reincarnation" This will be a parliamentary style debate between Glynn Curran and Dr Joseph Aziz, 27.03.13
- "Islam ethics and history" An interesting debate between two women who have lived within Islamic culture and under Islamic rule, 20.03.13
- "War crimes tribunal in Bangladesh - 2013" An update on politics in Bangladesh Mr Tito Scohel Human rights activist, 13.03.13
- "Why feminism is relevant to you" by Ms Tessa Barratt Co-founder of "Sydney Feminists" and secretary of the "NSW Womens network", 27.02.13
- "Measuring morality" Can science be applied to calculating moral decisions? by Mr Ian Bryce Humanist, well known Skeptic and scientist, 20.02.13
- "The Warsaw Ghetto and the poet" by Mr Marcel Weyland OAM Poet, translator, lawyer and architect. He lived in Poland during World War II, 13.02.13
- "Endless troubles in an ancient land" The Syrian predicament seen through history and its tribal foundations by Dr Joseph Azize Scholar and historian of the middle east. He has recently returned from four years in Lebanon and spent some time in Syria, 06.02.13
- "One month before the mast" by Ms Sara Rowsell Winner of the tall ships exchange award will describe her voyage aboard the "Lord Nelson" from the Azores to England, 30.01.13
- "A critique of Hobbes" and the myth of human nature by Mr Peter Carantinos Lecturer in the philosophy of science, 23.01.13
- "Crossing the great divide" by Ms Kerin O'Grady Co-ordinator of the Blue Mountains Bicentennial project of 2013 - (200 years since Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworh, 1813), 16.01.13
- "The hypocrisy of Western Governments" towards the rape of the Congo and its women by Mr Patrice Nyembo President of the Congolese community association of Australia, 09.01.13
- "Original Sin" by Mr Glynn Curran Well known public speaker, Philosopher, Cosomologist, 05.12.12
- "Why science, why religion" by Mr Helmut Cernic An exposition of the achievements of science and religion and their shortcomings, 21.11.12
- "The collapse of multiculturalism" by Mr Nicholas Folkes A patriotic Australian with political aspirations, 14.11.12
- "Free China, the courage to believe", Film and talk on the persecution of dissidents by the Chinese Communist Party, 07.11.12
- "Where Words take us" by Mr Peter Bokowski Poems, anecdotes and travellers tales, 31.10.12
- "Ideological Jihad" by Ms Vickie Janson Author of the book: Ideological Jihad an exposé of extremism, 10.10.12
- "A cool look at global warming" by Mr Peter Brun M Sc (Cantab) He is a member of the Lavoisier Group who are an association of climate sceptics, 03.10.12
- "When D.O.C.S. lie" Children die by Mr Michael Hart B. App. Sc, Representing DOCSBUSTERS. He has been involved in healthcare for 10 years, 19.09.12
- "A counterblast to the conspiracy theorists" by Mr Bob Vinnicoube Political commentator, 12.09.12
- "Mastering probabilities" Order resides at the edge of chaos Mr Michael Ault Editor of the internet magazine, 22.08.12.
- "The Science of happiness" Rev Tetsu Sato General manager of "Happy Science Australia, an organisation seeking to be a bridge between religions, 15.08.12.
- "The Titanic 100 years on" Ms Inger Sheil Executive assistant to the Director of the National Maritime Museum - an author and historian with a lifelong interest in the Titanic, 18.07.12.
- "The supremacy of conscience" by Mr Rocky Mimmo Founder and chairman of the "Ambrose Centre for religious liberty and specialist in international law; with emphasis on human rights, 04.07.12.
- "You cannot live on love" Will world recession force us to live on love? Christ recommended the simple life; do we listen to him or to investment bankers? by Mr Glynn Curran, 27.06.12.
- "One man's journey to mental well being" by Mr Jimmy Columbo, Who will share his journey into self realisation through art. 13.06.12
- "The atheist outlook in 2012" by Mr Steve Maxwell General Secretary of the Rationalist Association of NSW and long term soapbox orator in the Sydney Domain, 16.05.12.
- "The Boer War and the need to remember those who served" by Lt. Col. Tony Lanarch-Jones Retired army officer and chairman of the NSW branch of the "National Boer War Memorial Association", 09.05.12.
- "The power of positive thinking including an overview of the Brahama Kumaris movement" by Ms Maureen Cannon She is the coordinator of the main Brahama Kumaris Centre in Sydney, 02.05.12.
- "The criminal disaster of the Dardenelles" by Mrs Anne Fairbairn AM A well known expert on the history, politics and culture of the Middle East; she has written a definitive anthology of Arabic poetry 25.04.12.
- "Survival through fate" My ten year struggle as a prisoner in Hanoi and my fight for freedom by Colonel Vo Dai Ton "He was a colonel in the special forces of the republic of South Vietnam 1958 - 75 and is the author of ten books 04.04.12.
- "How to make the world fall in love with you chapter 2" by Ms Phyllis Foundis Director - Producer - Writer with theatrical experience in London, 28.03.12.
- "The Mayans and 2012 reconsidered in the light of quantum field theory" by Mr Helmut Cernic "MA free thinker and science graduate" 07.03.12.
- "The WASP question" Biocultural evolution - present predicament and future prospects of the invisible race by
Prof Drew Fraser Emeritus professor of public law Macquarie University, 29.02.12.
- "Australia and the Solomon Islands; colonialism and after" by Sir Trevor Garland Consul General in Australia for the Solomon Islands, 22.02.12.
- "The God fallacy" by Mr Laurence Kalnin "Regulating religion to confirm with civil and criminal law". Laurence Kalnin, author of: "The God Fallacy" is interested in the phenomenon of religious terrorism, 15.02.12.
- "Regaining health without the medication industry" by Ms Arabella Erikssen Health professional and international community worker, 08.02.12.
- "The rape of the Congo" by Mr Patrice Nyembo President of the Congolese Community Assoc of Australia, 01.02.12.
- "The future of the left" by Mr Bob Vinnicombe Human rights campaigner & social commentator, 18.01.12.
- "Destination Saigon" by Mr Walter Mason Travel writer & speaker with a life long love of Vietnam; author of Destination Saigon - a journey through modern Vietnam, published 2010, 11.01.12.
- Special end of year talk by Mr Glynn Curran 07.11.11
- "All is energy" by Mr Helmut Cernic Speaker on science, theology and philosophy 30.11.11
- Renewable energy solutions by Mr Terry McBride Climate change campaigner and representative for Beyond Zero Emissions 23.11.11
- "Philosophy - corrupting the youth" by Prof James Franklin Author of Corrupting the youth, a history of philosophy in Australia 16.11.11
- How to make the world fall in love with you - or at least feel a little lust by Ms Phillis Foundis Writer and performer with West-end experience 09.11.11
- "Sex workers in NSW decriminalised in 1995" by A representative of the scarlet alliance which seeks justice & equality - legal, social and economic for sex workers 26.10.11
- "Is childhood in danger?" by Dr Helen Pringle Social scientist & specialist in the field of human rights, sexual harrassment and the global traffic in women and girls etc. 19.10.11.
- "The afterlife, fact or fiction?" by Mr Victor Zammit Retired solicitor and author who has been investigating the afterlife for 21 years 28.09.11.
- "Are science and religion complimentary?" by Mr Helmut Cernic 07.09.11
Recording of the talk
Public speaker specialising in science, philosophy and theology.
- "The impact of illict drug use on famlies and the community" by Mr Tony Trimingham Founder of "Family drug support" in 1997 after the death of his son, Damien from a heroin overdose, 03.08.11
- "The Wayside chapel - 47 years on" (1964 - 2011)by Rev Graham Long "Uniting church minister at the Wayside Chapel" - Kings Cross, 20.07.11
- The birth of the lion - Australian Genesis by Sukhdeep Bhogal (L. Fresh The Lion) - "A life journey", 13.07.11
- "The family of humanity" by Mr Matt Noffs Founder of the "Street University" at Liverpool and "Gideon Shoes" a social enterprise. He is the grandson of the late Rev Ted Noff, 22.06.11
- "Muhammad Malvo & the trunk of caprice" The story of the Oct 2002 reign of terror in Montgomery county Maryland USA by Mr Mark Ferguson, Traveller and commentator on social and political issues, 01.06.11
- "Delusions" the will to believe by Mr Viktor Sarosi of the "Krishnamurti" Society of Australia, 25.05.11
- The seductive power of cults by Rev Dr David Milliken Uniting Church minister, film maker, investigative journalist and lecturer, 18.05.11
- Scientology a religious philosophy for the 21st century by Mr Cyrus Brooks Legal and public relations specialist, 11.05.11
- Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Open Forum - Privatising God. The decline of public worship is seen as the sign of a wounded church. It is also hailed as victory for those who wish to work out their own destiny either through new age spirituality or a resurgent new atheism but is it simply privatising God? by Mr Glynn Curran, 20.04.11
- The radicalising of Islam in Indonesia by Mr Jock Cheetham Journalist; he completed two research visits to Indonesia in 2010. His feature article on this topic appeared in the Sun-Herald recently, 13.04.11
- Eating beef & vegetarianism by Mr Niral Joshi The youngest ever MBA graduate from central Queensland Univ. His talk will be based on spiritual literature & respect for our intelligence, 06.04.11
- The plight of the Egyptian Copts by Mr Assad Elepty, Spokesman for the Coptic community in NSW, 23.03.11
- The effect of fear in totalitarian societies by Mrs Hera Shey, Former university lecturer in genetics in Iran and a specialist in the culture of East & West, 16.03.11
- Words & Ideas by Mr David Tribe, Former president of the National Secular Society of UK and author of over 7 books 02.02.11
- Uncritical thinking in alternative medicine and medical fraud by Mr Peter Bowditch, 12.1.11
- The connections between Australia and Russia - mid 19th century till now by Prof David Wansbrough, 8.12.10
- The happiness plague revisited (Has the American pursuit of happiness become an obligation?) by Mr Glynn Curran, 01.12.10
- World War I and Gallipoli revisited by Anne Fairbairn, Author of works on Arabic poetry, 17.11.10
- The break up of Yogoslavia as a diverse nation state by Mr Mark Marusic, philosopher, poet and student of the history of the balkans, 25.08.10
- Life in Senegal by Mr Nick Gillard, who has served as a missionary in West Africa for the last eight years, 18.08.10
- The Gaza freedom march & the Israeli Peace movement by Vivienne Porzsolt, spokeperson for - "Jews against the occupation" (Sydney branch), 11.08.10
- Refugees, innocent victims, illegal migrants or political pawns by Dr Eileen Pittaway
Director of the University of NSW Centre for refugee research & accredited UN lobbyist, 21.07.10
- Reincarnation? - the body is recycled every seven years, the mind lasts a lifetime but our consciousness accumulates over many lifetime by Mr Glynn Curran, 14.07.10
- Power? ... The will to good by Ms Vivienne Honeybun, Humanitarian & co-worker on issues, 23.06.10.
- Eleven bloody days - the true story of the battle of Milne Bay 1942. This traumatic event in New Guinea was a turning point in the Pacific War in WWII by Dr Brian Boettcher, war historian 09.06.10
- The liberation of capitalism through socialism by Mr Wayne Sonter urban and regional economic planner; social activist, 19.05.10
- An industrial future beyond plastics by Dr Andrew Katelaris Medical practioner and environmental researcher, 12.05.10
- Crop circles are a true enigma by Ms Megan Heazlewood who has been a student of crop circles in Australia and the UK for many years, 28.04.10
- The Iranian oil crisis & OPEC whistle blowers by Mr Matt Mushalik Author of website retired civil engineer & town and regional planner, 14.04.10
- Asylum Seekers on Christmas Island by Dr P Sarat Chandran, Emeritus Prof Electronic Engineering at Singapore U & volunteer with "ALIV" - the Aust League of Immigration Volunteers, 24.03.10
- The NSW Benevolent Society, social pioneers and innovators by Terri Soller Sydney leasership program Manager at the NSW Benevolent Society (founded 1817; our oldest charity), 03.03.10
- Will civilsation survive the next 30 years? by Mr Ian Bryce, 17.02.10
university lecturer & consultant in space engineering.
- Beyond borders - the power of meditation by Mr Milos Stefanek, 10.02.10
who first leanred the true value of meditation as a political prisoner in WWII.
- The Hindu Caste system by Dr Rama Laws Lecturer in Indian urban history UNSW, 27.01.10
- The problem with Islam by Mr Douglas Golding Research fellow, Univ of Qld School of History, Philosophy and Religion, 20.01.10
- Police accountability by Mr Dale Mills - man from "Copwatch", 13,01.10
- The friendly face of communism by Ms Mishka Jamor Pole and world traveller, 23.12.09
- Maslow's Pyramid and the happiness plague by Mr Glynn Curran,02.12.09
- Mongolia, past and future by Mr Peter Sloane, Consul General for the Republic of Mongolia, 18.11.09
- Democracy without politics by Mr Jon Shapiro, "Real democracy does not exist within the party political system, the present system - there is an alternative, 11.11.09
- Freedom of speech and its limitations, under current legislation - The Bottom Line by Mr Geoffry Holland, 16.09.09
lecturer in constitutional and media law.
- The psychology of uncertainty by Mr Clem Malloy Psychology management consultant author of book: Understanding Uncertainty which addresses a paradigm shift about the notion of certainty in the early 20th century, 12.08.09
- Bio centrism - intelligent design reconsidered. Many scientists now suspect that life is not incidental to the universe but represents it most central purpose by Glynn Currn cosmologist, 01.07.09
- Why language is essential for our lives by Prof David Wansbrough Visiting professor at Moscow State University; author of 12 books, 24.06.09
- The Romany in history - myth and legend by Mr Romano Solo Author of Gypsy Pie which is the first and only book about Romany life in Australia. He is the recognised ambassador of the Australian Gypsy nation, 17.06.09
- Globalisation, the need for a new consciousness by Ms Janet O'Sullivan Economist, educator and futurist, 10.06.09
- Atheism lost in Africa - a personal journey by Ms Mishka Jambour, 27.5.09
- All in the name of choice by Ms Carolyn Mongan President of the Pregnancy Support Service ACT, 20.5.09
- What is an alcoholic? - social misconceptions by Ms Jill Brown 22.04.09
- Protecting the rights of Bougainvillean women: their role in preserving the land & environment for future generations by Joanne Dateransi who is a woman land owner from the Panguna area where the land was raped by a giant open cut copper and gold mine. She is the first Bougainvillean from the affected area to come to Australia and has been allowed to stay here for only one month, 01.04.09.
- Marxism, mankinds greatest catastrophe by Mr Bradley Row 11.03.09
- Local government within a diverse multicultural community by The Hon. Helen Westwood A.M. MLC, 28.1.09
- Taboo topics in philosophy E.g. race, religious indoctrination, eugenics etc. by Mr Ian Bryce, 21.1.09
- What is happening to our girls? by Ms Maggie Hamilton, 14.1.09
- The Savant Syndrome A tribute to the late Noel Henderson by Mr Glynn Curran, 03.12.08
- New York in October by Mr John Hallam, 26.11.08
- The bad developer awards by Ms Sylvia Hale MLC for the Greens, 19.11.08
- Delusion 9/11 by Mr John Bursill, 5.11.08
- Electric Medicine by Dr Norman Dodge, 29.10.08
- The fatal error of vaccination by Ms Bronwyn Hancock, 8.10.08
- Russia Resurgent by Mr Jason Rafty , 1.10.08
- We are drowning by Ms Pat Eatock a third generation Aboriginal activist, 10.09.08
- The origin of water by Mr Rob Gourlay, 3.09.08
- Euthanasia? by Dr Catherine Lennon 27.08.08
- An experience with extra-terrestrials by Mrs Flor Amanowicz, 13.08.08
- Scandal and skulduggery in early Sydney by Ms Carol Baxter author, historian and genealogist, 6.08.08
- Electronic polution - How electrical appliances may affect your health by Dr Norman Dodge inventor, magnetic therapist, 9.07.08
- The Legacy of Jaques Barzun by Mr Rafe Champion philosopher and social commentator, 2.07.08
- Humanism, a new core paradigm by Mr Ian Bryce, 4.06.08
- Croatia an adopted country by Mrs Jan Henning, 28.05.08
- Chinese Hegemony by Mr Mark Ferguson, 21.05.08
- "Stubbing out smoking" by Mrs Margaret Hogge, activist for the cause of clean air, free from tobacco smoke, 14.05.08.
- The root cause of contemporary terrorism by Mr Paget Sayers, student of geopolitics & convenor of the NSW Buddhist library & meditation centre, 07.05.08
- The population time bomb by Mr David Tribe, writer, lecturer and broadcaster, past president of the british national secular society, 16.04.08
- Sydney Harbour Bridge in history and folklore by Mr Peter Lalor, 9.04.08
- Serve your fellow man - Alternatives to the funeral industry or "Corpse recycling reconsidered" by Ms Margaret Davies, 13.02.08
- The link between read and write alphabet Language and black magic by Mr Arthur Cristian Man of love and peace whose research into this field has led to some startling conclusions, 16.01.08.
- Do you own your own land? by Mrs Sue Maynes, farmer and common law devotee, 9.01.08
- Nature secret signature by Mr Glynn Curran, 12.12.07
- The crisis in Burma - political and humanitarian by Dr Kyan-Myint Malia founder Burmese Medical Assoc and DR Myint Cho Director of the Burma Office of Australia, 5.12.07
- My part in saving the planet from oblivion by Mr John Hallam, 21.11.07
- Corrupting the youth by Dr Jim Franklin Mathmatics and Statistics academic UNSW, 14.11.07
- The Queen, the Crown and the Governor General by Mr Thomas Flynn National executive director of the Australians for constitutional monarchy, 24.10.07
- Peace is freedom from poverty by Mr Shan Ali Co founder of the Grameen foundation of Australia, 17.10.07
- Alternative economic theories by Mr John August President Humanist Society of New South Wales, 10.10.07
- The Women of Timor and its political future by Mrs Alix Mandelson and Mr Jefferson Lee
both of the Aust-East Timor Association, 19.09.07
- African immigration - a threat to Australia? by Mr Paget Sayers world traveller; Trustee of the Buddhist library, 12.09.07
- The abuse of single fathers and their children by Mr John Stapleton Broadcaster; Co-Founder of - "Dads on the air", 05.09.07
- Dwellers in the matrix and the communion of light by Mr Glynn Curran, 25.07.07
- The creative chaos of Russia by Prof David Wansbrough visiting prof Moscow State University, 18.07.07
- Are we growing beyond a consumer society by Rev Bill Crews Exodus Foundation, 11.07.07
- Secular system of ethics by Dr Ian Bryce, 27.6.07
- Influence of Islam on the 3rd Reich by Darren Hodges, 13.6.07
- The Legacy of the French Enlightenment by Robert Chamberlain a history buff, 23.5.07.
- Emergent properties of matter which may give rise to consciousness by Dr Ian Bryce member of the Australian Skeptics, 2.05.07
- The United Nations exposed by Mr William Jasper senior Editor of the New American magazine; author of The United Nations Exposed (2001) & Global Tyranny - step by step, 18.04.07
- Bridging the infamous gap - current developments in consciousness studies by Dr Jo de Groot Ph.D. social worker for for 22 years and a former member of the Benedictine Order, 11.04.07
- Whistleblowing by Dr Peter Bowden lecturer in ethics at Sydney University, President (NSW) of Whistleblowers, 28.04.07
- What men don't talk about by Ms Maggie Hamilton, Publisher and commentator on social trends. The topic is also the title of her recent book, 21.04.07
- Conflict in the Middle East - a historical perspective from the Ottoman Empire till now by Mr Ali Sadek (was born and educated in Lebanon and has studied Middle Eastern politics and history. He witnessed the civil war in Lebanon), 14.02.07.
- Christianity & Islam - the Scriptural gulf by Dr Joseph Azize Historian and author in the field of Semitic religion. Co vice president of the Australian Middle East Christian Council 17.01.07.
- The nuclear loby - my part in its downfall or nuclear weapons, poison gas etc & the UN by John Hallam (who spoke on accidental nuclear war at UN Headquarters in NY in October 2006) 10.01.07
- The failure of multiculturalism - political undercurrents by Mr Greg Clancy Author of "Conspiracies of multiculturalism" and the people smugglers etc.., 3.01.07
- Muse Madonna, Madwoman as artist. Can woman be a creator in her own right? Is she destined to remain as a muse figure to the male artist, his stimulus and objectified ideal? Is her struggle against personal limitation or against the suppressed history of the feminine? by Mr Glynn Curran Social historian, 20.12.06
- Bible stories were written about 1000 years after the times it refers to as shown by recent archeological digs unearthing certain facts about the Bible and Israel by Dr Victor Bien, 13.12.06
- The uniqueness of Jesus by Mrs Rahel Landrum evengelist for "Jew for Jesus". She discussed the connection between Jewishness and Jesus Christ.
- Health, a serious failure case of market failure by Hon Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans MLC, NSW Leader The Australian Democrats, 08.11.06
- The professional liabilities of doctors by Mr Allen Thomas, Director medico-legal policy and training, AMA (NSW)01.11.06
- Protecting our Judeo-Christian heritage by Rev Danny Nalliah Christian president "Catch the fire ministries, Melbourne, 25.10.06
- Petrol car culture at the crossroads by Mr Peter Cuffe ecological transport lobbyist, 18.10.06
- An introduction to Buddhist philosophy by Mr Paget Sayers Buddhist practitioner and trustee of the NSW Buddhist library, 13.9.06
- The mystry of the Russian soul by Prof David Wansborough visiting professor at Moscow State University, 6.9.06
- Truth, intelligence and democracy by Mr Warren Reed former intelligence officer with the ASIS, 30.8.06
- Psychic reign - the cancer of debt finance and money as the blood of the Satanic world by Mr Arthur Cristian, 2.8.06
- Fact and mythology concerning Australian Aboriginals before and after 1788 by Mr Harvey Brice, 26.7.06
- West Papua, problems, predicaments and prospects by Dr Anne Noonan and Mr Joe Collins of the Australian-West Papua Assoc, 19.7.06
- The Rees code & Le Grande hysteric Louis Vivet - a cosmic fable of eccentricity co-incidence & find tuing by Glynn Curran, 21.6.06
- The death of democracy by Brian Wilshire, 14.6.06
- Australian Poetry by Michael Darby, 31.5.06
- Iran the next Catastrophe by Mr John Hallam, 12.4.06
- Colonials into ANZACS by Mrs May Dalkin Colonial historian and research student of the ANZAC tradition, 5.4.05
- The queen of the sovereign south by Mr Philip Benwell MBE National chairman of the Australian monarchists league, 22.3.06
- Bogus internationalism and the quest for Australian identity - redefining global boundaries by Dr Geoffrey Sykes language specialist and playwright, 15.3.06
- Chavez and the Venezuelan revolution by Mr Duroyan Fertl Sydney convenor of the Australia-Venezuela solidarity network, 8.3.06
- By their face shall ye know them - the art and science of physiognomy by Mr Alan Whitehead Rudolf Steiner teacher and founder of the second Steiner school in Australia, 22.2.06.
- The Da Vinci code by Ms Dianne Kynaston Former General Secretary of the Theosophical Society, 15.2.2006.
- Forgotten Australians by Dr Joanna Penglase Co-founder of "Clan" a national advocacy lobby for people who grew up in institutions; author of "Orphans of the living", 8.2.2006
- Home grown herbs could be your medicine by Ms Erika Fiedler Lymphoedema therapist, 21.12.05.
- Sex, death and immortality or how I decided to stop worrying and live forever - a tale of lobsters, saints and ghost in the machine by Mr Glynn Curran Greenkeeper and cosmologist, 14.12.05.
- The fully informed jury by Mr John Wilson well known campaigner for justice in the courts 23.11.05.
- The case against the occult by Mr David Tribe Former president of the UK National Secular Society 16.11.05.
- The Rockefeller Effect - from Standard Oil to 9/11 or the private machinery behind public money by Mr Peter Melov independent researcher on finance and money 9.11.05.
- Cultural Diversity & Religious harmony by Mr Stephan Kerkyasharian AM Chairman of the Community Relations Commission & President of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board 2.11.05.
- Investigating ghosts and their role in our human story by Ms Cheryl Rounsefell writer and ghost hunter 26.10.05.
- Parallels in Ancient and Modern Worlds by Tony d'Angiolillo substituted for Activism within the Turkish Community. (Councillor by Semra Batik Independent representative of Auburn Council could not keep the appointment) 19.10.05.
- The case for ID cards by Paddy McGuiness 05.10.05
- Is our constitution valid by Malcolm McDougall 21.09.05
- The globalisation of welfare by Rev Bill Crews Uniting Church Minister at Ashfield and now distinguished as one of Australia's one hundred living treasures 14.09.05
- Beyond the materialistic paradigm: a ladder of credibility by Dr Johanna de Groot, social worker and student of spirituality and the paranormal 07.09.05.
- Malice in media land by Prof David Flint A.M. National Convenor of "Australians for Constitutional Monarchy" & former chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Authority 31.08.05.
- Religions in politics - a false catchcry? by Mr David Clarke MLC (Liberal) 24.08.05
- Bertrand Russell - an overview by Mr Avon Wilsmore A lifetime studen of Bertrand Russell & member of the B.R. Society Ontario Canada 17.08.05
- Defending the White Australia Policy by Prof Andrew Fraser then Assoc professor of public law, Macquarie U 10.08.05.
- The case against the asylum seekers by Mr Mark Ferguson World traveller and geo-political commentator 22.06.05
- The Three Blocs - the European Union, the North American Free Trade Assoc (NAFTA) and the Australian Pacific Economic Community (APEC). The consequences for Australia by Mr Neil Baird
Economist and editor of News Review the weekly current affairs internet bulletin 15.06.05.
- One cheer for democracy - a critical survey by Mr Robert Zentner a student of creative non-democratic societies. 08.06.05
- New religious cults and methods of brainwashing by Rev David Milliken Uniting church minister and author of several books. 18.05.05
- Free China & farewell the Communist Party by Prof Hongbing Yuan (Yuan Hongbing) escapee from China, formerly professor of law at Beijing U, leading dissident and persecuted in China through his involvement with the student democracy movement. He escaped from China in July 2004 and is seeking political asylum in Australia. 11.05.05
- Debunking Gallipoli by Flight Lieutenant Hugh Dolan RAAF 04.05.05
- Journey towards justice by Mr Ken Marslew Chairman and founder of the anti-violence movement - "Enough is enough" 27.04.05
- Multiculturalism, Israel and the holocaust by Mr Mark Braham Anglo Jewish descendent and WWII veteran 13.04.05
- The Sabotage of One Nation by Mrs Dorothy Hutton member of the original state executive and member of the national executive 06.04.05
- Who are the fundamentalists? - the religious right in America by Mr Grahame Hosking Student of Christian Zionism, 23.03.05.
- Co-existence between Christians and Muslims by Dr J Coorey, historian of semitic religions, 9.02.05.
- Measuring (G)od and getting (G)od's measure by Glynn Curran, cosmologist, 19.01.05.
2004 and before
- Timor and its resources by Sr Susan Connelly from the
Mary McKillop Institute of East Timorese Studies, 24.11.04.
- Sex and censorship in Australia by Ms Fiona Patten lobbyist for
the adult industry for 17 years, 17.11.04.
- The two party tyranny - How can we change it? by Dr Klaus
Woldring Executive member of the "Progressive Labor Party", former
Assoc. Professor at the Southern Cross University; 07.07.04.
- The man who saved the world (how Col. Stanislav Petrov saved us
from being toasted), by John Hallam; 30.06.04
- "The Great Escape", Plato's cave and the theory of education by
Gilbert Mane; 19.05.04
- "Mental health" as a subject in schools, by Kathleen Forbes;
- Civil Society in an age of crisis, Mr Nguyen, researcher Jesuit
Centre; 28.04.04
- Empire of ignorance and hypocrisy (what is wrong with America) by
Julian Ninio; 14.4.04
- Origin of the Jewish people - biblical archaeology by Cyril
Bunney OAM; 7.4.04
- Care Australia, 18.2.04
- Crossing the seas and its consequences - a perspect ive. by
Sumegha Argarwal Journalist and broadcaster in India and Australia.
- The future of Iran by Mr Cyrus Sarang Founder of the refugee
action collective. 30.7.03
- The notion of community - an evolving perspective by Lindsay Mell
President of the UN Association of NSW. 23.7.03
- Marginality and the will to flourish - how homeless people cope
by Dr Jo de Groot Social worker amongst the homeless and formerly a
sister of the good samaritan for 22 years. 16.7.03
- The killing of Aceh (pronounced) "Archer" by Dr Mohammad Dahlan
Spokeman for the Achenese Community Australia 25.6.03
- Human Rights in China by Dr Marie Clugston Amnesty International
- Spiritual democracy the background to our freedom of religion
& conscience by Rev Dr F. Lambert-Carter 21.5.03
- North Korea weapons of mass destruction by Mr John Hallam Member
NCCPD 14.5.03
- Global geo-politics post Iraq by Mr Mark Ferguson Political
- Economics & brain washing by Mr Tony d'Angioliollo Economic
- Rationality & critical thinking Dr Peter Slezak Senior
lecturer, School of History & Philosophy of Science UNSW.
- The Australian-Indonesian security link up & regional
terrorism by Mr Max Lane Research Fellow U of Wollongong, Chairman
Action in Solidarity with Asia & the Pacific Translator of major
modern Indonesian writers based in Indonesia.
- A cry for euthanasia is a cry for help by Mr Martin Cullen a
leading spokesman for palliative care.
- The Right to life & the culture of death by Ms Janet Coombs
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