Humanist Society

of New South Wales Inc.

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Susan Artup

Susan Artup, Funeral Celebrant…
When you are suffering loss no-one can really know what you are going through, although everyone on earth is going to have to confront death sometime.
That's why death can be a strangely binding experience - the grief can be so isolating, yet it brings people together in an attempt to make sense of it. People try to put themselves in your shoes and understand it, as if it were they who are suffering.
A funeral is the formal expression of this compassion. A funeral makes us pause and think about life and what is important. It allows us to outpour our grief and regret and rejoice in our memories. It gives us an occasion for honour and respect. And it does so in an environment of community and love, where those who are suffering the most will find comfort, support and the beginning of healing.
As the celebrant conducting your funeral ceremony you are entrusting me with your most precious, private moments - which is an honour and a privilege for me.
I was authorised as a Civil Celebrant in 1995. Since then listening to peoples' wishes and making rituals to mark life-changing events in their lives has become the purpose of mine.
I hope that the funeral for your loved one will bring you comfort, strength and peace.

Susan Artup
Funeral Celebrant
for an appointment phone
(02) 4739 3618 or 0408 826 743

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